Our Story

Owned by Zane and Clair Davidson, eduCLick is Australia’s leading provider of VCE Vocational Major content with a direct focus on engaging and relevant content for senior secondary school students.

The VCEVM is a leading pathway for senior secondary school students and eduClick is the chosen provider for hundreds of schools as their content and support hub.

eduClick service over 14,000 students and 2000 teachers annually in Victorian schools and this number is growing everyday.

We are the only organisation in this space run by ex teachers and are experts in the field and continue to develop content for all learners and schools.

eduCLick has a sole focus on the VCEVM and with content for all learners will continually support all teacher, students and schools.

An added benefit is the creation of the Trainer assessor Group, RTO 91530 which is owned by the owners of eduClick and has a sole focus on helping schools deliver exceptional programs around the VCEVM https://training.gov.au/Organisation/Details/91530

For all information related to the Trainer Assessor Group please contact info@educlick.com.au and we will be happy to assist.

eduCLick (Click Education) ABN 73443180766

26/131 Hyde Street Yarraville, Vic 3013